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2020 Chevrolet Tahoe

Invoice Pricing**

3 Trims Available

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Excluding option packages, the low factory listed 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe MSRP is $49,000 and the High MSRP for a Tahoe is $81,700.

On average when all rebates, incentives dealer discounts, or employee pricing is applied people are paying far below factory invoice on the 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe.

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2025 Chevrolet Tahoe
2025 Chevrolet Tahoe MSRP*
2025 Chevrolet Tahoe Invoice Price**
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2020 Chevrolet Tahoe
2020 Chevrolet Tahoe MSRP*
2020 Chevrolet Tahoe Invoice Price**
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Tahoe is a household name at this point. If you don't know about this beast of a truck, you've been under a rock. The most recent generation is standard with a V8 and loaded with tech that rivals luxury SUVs.

Jakob H., Rydeshopper Editor

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1 The lowest dealer price found is based on MSRP. MSRP, or Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price, is determined by the manufacturer of each brand, make and model and may not reflect the price at which vehicles are sold in your region. This MSRP displayed is for the lowest possible trim level with standard features.

2 The average dealer price found is based on MSRP. MSRP, or Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price, is determined by the manufacturer of each brand, make and model and may not reflect the price at which vehicles are sold in your region. This MSRP displayed is the mean MSRP that consumers are paying for all trim levels.

3 The highest dealer price found is based on MSRP. MSRP, or Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price, is determined by the manufacturer of each brand, make and model and may not reflect the price at which vehicles are sold in your region. This MSRP displayed is for the highest possible trim level with the most features.